
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Scribbling with Video

This month and next, I'm lucky enough to be receiving training in digital storytelling--a new way for a storyteller and visual artist like me to create!  I am quite excited.

To prepare myself, I've done a little learning with iMovie (I know, I know, everyone under thirty can use iMovie by instinct, but I'm older than that and had to learn).  And I've made a few super short films to practice.

Not long ago I participated in a virtual sketchcrawl with Urban Sketchers Midwest, and I took along my trust iPhone to capture some photographic images--as well as some sketched images--which I might use in a short film about the outing.

I'm happy to share the result here--only my second iMovie project!  I think it tells a bit of a story...

As I mentioned, the possibilities opened up by my learning how to work in short short films thrill me!  I found during the morning that in addition to paying attention and really seeing the surroundings and the people there because I searched for something to draw, I looked and saw in a different way as I considered what could provide good elements and variety in a video presentation.  The two different art forms fed each other that morning.

I look forward to making more videos of anything, especially of people creating! Guess I'd better find out more about working with YouTube and Vimeo.

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